Nasze Usługi​

Globalne Zatrudnienie offers a variety of recruitment and personnel consulting services. Our services include:

  1. Factory Worker Recruitment: We help in the search and selection of employees for various positions in the production sector.
  1. Recruitment of warehouse workers: We provide access to qualified warehouse workers and logistics workers who help in effective warehouse management.
  1. Delivery Recruitment: We help recruit suppliers and delivery drivers who ensure timely delivery of goods.
  1. Construction Worker Recruitment: We offer recruitment services for construction workers, including carpenters, bricklayers, electricians and other specialists.
  1. Rekrutacja Spawaczy: Posiadamy doświadczenie w rekrutacji spawaczy, którzy są kluczowymi pracownikami w wielu branżach.
  1. Rekrutacja w Innych Segmentach: Nasza firma specjalizuje się również w rekrutacji pracowników w wielu innych segmentach, takich jak dostawcy, kierowcy, mechanicy, operatorzy maszyn i wiele innych.
  1. Doradztwo Personalne: Oferujemy doradztwo personalne, które pomaga firmom w zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi, tworzeniu strategii rekrutacji oraz rozwijaniu pracowników.
  1. Analiza Rynku Pracy: Przeprowadzamy analizy rynku pracy, dostarczając informacje na temat trendów rekrutacyjnych i konkurencji.
  1. Recruitment Services in European Markets: Our company operates in various European countries, which allows us to help clients recruit employees on an international scale.
  1. Expansion into New Markets: We plan to expand our operations to markets such as Germany, France, Italy and many others to meet the growing needs of customers.

Globalne Zatrudnienie strives to provide recruitment and consulting services at the highest level, providing clients and candidates with a professional approach and support at every stage of the recruitment process. Our company is ready to meet the various needs of clients in the recruitment of blue-collar workers in various positions and in various industries.





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